Fourth Synod Compiled Acts, Declarations and Statutes
Presbyteral Council, the Diocesan Finance Council and the Diocesan Pastoral Council, which are advisory to the Diocesan Bishop.
11. a) In leading their lives clerics are bound in a special manner to pursue holiness because they are consecrated to God in a new way by sacred ordination so that they may become suitable instruments of Christ, the eternal priest, as dispensers of God’s mysteries in the service of His people, and at the same time that they be exemplary models to the flock. 15 b) The clergy should make use of the following basic requirements for sanctity and spiritual perfection: meeting regularly with a spiritual director, daily meditation, daily examination of conscience, frequent reception of the Sacrament of Penance, filial devotion to the Blessed Mother and daily recitation of the Rosary in her honor and above all the dutiful recitation of the Liturgy of the Hours, 16 ardent devotion to the Most Blessed Sacrament and the devout celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass with proper preparation and due thanksgiving. 17 12. a) All diocesan priests must make a retreat annually. 18 At least every other year priests are highly encouraged to make a retreat with the other priests serving in the Diocese at the time and place convenient for the priests as designated by the local Ordinary.
b) In other years priests may make their retreat at a Catholic retreat house of their choice with the approval of the Vicar for Priests.
c) Additionally, in the year when diocesan priests choose to attend the retreat with the priests of the Diocese at the time and place designated by the local Ordinary, they may also make another retreat at a Catholic retreat house of their
15 Cf. Code of Canon Law , c. 276, §1 and the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches , c. 368.
16 As obliged for clerics by c. 276, §1, 3°.
17 Cf. c. 276, §§1-2.
18 Cf. c. 276, §1, 4°.
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