Fourth Synod Compiled Acts, Declarations and Statutes
environment in order to develop a deeper relationship with God and the Christian community.
66. Children of the parish have the right and responsibility to attend their own parish’s proper parochial school, where such exists. Children of parishes that do not have their own parochial school should be admitted in a nearby parochial school, where possible, with the parish to which they belong providing a subsidy or scholarship to the parochial school in which they are enrolled, in accord with diocesan policies and procedures. 67. As a means of fulfilling the responsibility of all the Christian faithful (not just parents) to hand on the Catholic faith to the next generation and in order that cost not be a barrier for children to receive a Catholic education, our parishes and schools through the use of scholarships (public and/or private) shall help pay tuition to make Catholic education available in Catholic grade schools, high schools and parish schools of religion (K-12) for all children of their parishes whose parents agree to the terms of the Family School Agreement. 68. The pastor or, in the case of a regional Catholic school, the canonical administrator, shall have full charge of the parochial school under the direction of the Diocesan Superintendent of Schools. The pastor or, in the case of a regional Catholic school, the canonical administrator, shall be responsible for management of the school in collaboration with the principal and the school board. 70. a) Pastors have the responsibility to provide religious education and formation in the discipleship and stewardship way of life for Catholic children attending public grade schools and high schools. 45 The pastor or parochial vicar must carefully direct this work. The Office for Catechesis and the Office for Youth and Young Adult Ministry shall assist parishes in developing these programs and finding proper resources. b) Pastors have the responsibility to advise parents of children attending public grade and high schools of their serious and grave obligation of enrolling their children in catechetical classes and of assuring their attendance. 69. Parish priests, both pastors and parochial vicars, have a personal obligation of imparting catechetical formation in the parochial schools.
71. Active promotion, direction and responsibility for the catechetical formation of adults, young people and children in each parish shall be the responsibility of the
45 Cf. cc. 776-777.
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