Fourth Synod Compiled Acts, Declarations and Statutes
114. The seal of confession must be kept inviolate. 79 Wherefore, all priests are reminded that they are prohibited ever to speak of the things heard in confession or to mention them in any form or under any pretext, even incidentally, directly or indirectly, in public or private speech, not only to the lay people, but even among themselves, especially on the occasion of sacred missions or spiritual exercises.
115. The celebration of the Sacrament of the Sick is governed by the pertinent provisions of canon law, liturgical norms, and the policies and procedures of this Diocese. 116. While the administration of the Sacrament of the Sick is especially entrusted to the pastor, 80 all priests to whom the care of souls has been entrusted have the duty and right of administering the anointing of the sick for the faithful entrusted to their pastoral office. 81 For patients or residents in a hospital or institution the proper minister is the chaplain, or, if there is not a chaplain or if he is unavailable, then the pastor or parochial vicar of the parish within which the hospital or institution is located. 117. All who have attained the use of reason should be anointed when in danger of death from sickness. The Apostolic Blessing with plenary indulgence should also be imparted. 118. Whenever there is an occasion of counseling the sick about the disposition of temporal goods, especially in the last will or testament, the priest should temper his zeal with prudence. He must consistently refuse to write or execute the will itself, except perhaps for a fellow priest in an extraordinary case. He shall not undertake the guardianship of children of either sex without the permission of the local Ordinary.
79 Cf. c. 983.
80 Cf. c. 530, 3°.
81 Cf. c. 1003, §2.
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