Fourth Synod Compiled Acts, Declarations and Statutes

b) Cancelled checks or electronic copies of them as evidence or payment of such financial obligations, shall be preserved throughout the time specified by the civil law statute of limitations.

158. a) The main source of parish revenue shall be the freewill offerings of the faithful.

b) In conducting benefits to raise funds the pastor must scrupulously conform to legal requirements, accepted custom, and general public attitude of the locality to avoid the greater evil of bringing religion and the Church into disrepute.

159. Parish society funds are to be considered parish funds.

160. All expenses for the maintenance of parish rectories including meal expenses in accord with diocesan policy shall be paid from the parish treasury, excepting the personal expenses of the parish clergy and staff.

161. a) Salaries shall be paid according to diocesan compensation schedules as published annually by the Diocesan Curia.

b) Salaries which are not collected in a current year will not be recognized as a debt of the parish unless the local Ordinary in writing recognizes the claim to unpaid salary.

c) No departure from these regulations will be permitted except by written authorization of the local Ordinary.

162. a) During the usual vacation or the sickness of a priest he is entitled to his full salary, unless extraordinary conditions make other arrangements, subject to the approval of the local Ordinary, necessary.

b) During the absences, compensation for his substitute may be paid from the parish funds.

163. a) Every year before August 1 st , the pastors will transmit to the Diocesan Curia an annual report of the previous fiscal year (July 1 to June 30) of the spiritual and temporal condition of their parishes on the form issued by the Diocesan Curia and signed by the pastor and members of the parish finance council.

b) This annual report is to be drawn with one copy for the Diocesan Curia and the other copy to be retained in the archives of the parish.


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