Fourth Synod Compiled Acts, Declarations and Statutes

Specifically, this will include looking at the biblical concept of tithing and defining what that means for us as a diocese in terms of stewardship of our time, talent and treasure. Closely related to this will be for us to look at how we can foster community-wide support of Catholic education so that more students will be able to attend Catholic schools. This involves understanding Catholic education as being the responsibility for everyone in each parish as a means to hand on the faith to the next generation of Catholics, not just the financial burden of parents to pay for their children’s education. Since one of the outcomes of a Diocesan Synod is particular legislation for the diocese, we will look to update our Diocesan Statutes, which may be understood as a basic constitution that officially guides the policies, procedures and practices of the diocese, the parishes and other entities of the diocese, with a special focus on how to live discipleship and stewardship as a way of life for the faithful of our diocese. The general timeline will start with an Opening Ceremony on January 22. Throughout 2017 committees will draft the synodal directory, the questions for discussion and proposed synodal declarations, decrees and statutes. There will be listening sessions in the deaneries and parishes, as well as opportunities for people to offer feedback online through our diocesan website. The Solemn Closing of the Synod in will take place on November 26, 2017. Specifically, the schedule for the various events associated with our Fourth Diocesan Synod is as follows: • Sunday, January 22, 2:00 PM – Prayer Service for the Opening of the Preliminary Phase of the Diocesan Synod (at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Springfield) • Sunday, April 2, 2:00 PM – Diocesan Synod Deanery Prayer and Listening Sessions in each Deanery with the Bishop connected by video conference to hear the needs, desires and opinions of the faithful regarding the proposed synodal topics • Tuesday April 11, 6:30 PM – Chrism Mass with Official Opening of the Diocesan Synod (at Cathedral) • Saturday, May 20, 10:00-2:00 – First Session of the Official Members of the Diocesan Synod (at Cathedral Atrium) • Saturday, August 12 – Gathering of Permanent Deacons for prayer and discussion regarding the Diocesan Synod (at Cathedral) • Monday, September 18 to Thursday, September 21 – Convocation of Priests for prayer and discussion regarding the Diocesan Synod (at Pere Marquette Lodge, Grafton, Illinois) • Sunday, September 24, 2:00 PM – Diocesan Synod Deanery Prayer and Listening Sessions in each Deanery with the Bishop connected by video conference to receive feedback on proposed synodal declarations and decrees • Saturday, November 18, 10:00-2:00 – Final Session of the Official Members of the Diocesan Synod to vote on synodal declarations, decrees and statutes • Sunday, November 26, 2:00 PM – Mass Closing the Diocesan Synod on the Solemnity of Christ the King (at Cathedral)


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