Fourth Synod Compiled Acts, Declarations and Statutes
sick may be kept in a suitable place in the rectory and may be carried by the priest on his person or in the car of each priest.
83. In each parish records must be kept of Baptisms, First Holy Communions, Confirmations, Marriages and Burials. 52 The pastor must see to it that the proper entries are made as soon as possible. Records must be kept in a safe and protected place. 53 The Dean is expected to inspect these registers every other year to ensure that they are being kept properly 54 and, on the occasion of the illness or death of the pastor, to see to it that the registers and documents are not lost or removed. 55 The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults requires a register of catechumens identifying the catechumen, sponsors, minister, and the date and place of the celebration of acceptance into the order of catechumens. 56 The RCIA also requires a book listing those catechumens who have been elected to receive the sacraments of initiation, 57 and another book for those already baptized who are received into the full communion of the Catholic Church. 58
84. In catechetical instructions to the people pastors should explain the obligation of parents to have children baptized in the first few weeks after birth. 59
85. a) The faithful are to be reminded that the proper place of solemn Baptism is the parish church of the person to be baptized. 60 Baptism is not to be sought in another church without permission of the proper pastor.
52 Cf. c. 535 § 1.
53 Cf. cc. 535 §§ 4-5.
54 Cf. c. 555 § 1, 3°.
55 Cf. c. 555 § 3.
56 Cf. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) n. 17; see also c. 788 § 1.
57 Cf. RCIA , n. 22.
58 Cf. RCIA , Appendix, 13.
59 Cf. c. 867, §1.
60 Cf. c. 857.
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