Fourth Synod Compiled Acts, Declarations and Statutes

b) The parish where the Baptism was administered is the parish of record and a notation that the Baptism was administered in another parish may be entered in the parish of domicile. 86. An adult convert may receive Baptism in the church of the parish where he was instructed. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults with the Statutes for the United States is normative. 87. Baptism may not be administered privately except in case of necessity. 61 When necessity dictates a private Baptism (i.e., not in a parish church or oratory), the Baptism should be recorded in the parish of domicile and the baptized is to be brought to the parish church to complete the ceremonies if possible. 88. In the case of Baptism administered privately in a hospital, the chaplain must record the Baptism in the hospital register of Baptism (if such a register exists) and send notice to the proper pastor of the baptized person, who in turn must insert it with a notation of the circumstances in his parish baptismal register.

89. The celebration of Baptism is governed by the pertinent provisions of canon law, liturgical norms, and the policies and procedures of this Diocese.


90. A person belonging to another parish should not be presented for Confirmation without the consent of his proper pastor, who should be informed of the Confirmation as soon as possible. 91. In addition to the entry in the Confirmation register, the pastor must make a notation of the Confirmation in the individual’s baptismal record or send notice to the place of his Baptism. 62

92. The celebration of Confirmation is governed by the pertinent provisions of canon law, liturgical norms, and the policies and procedures of this Diocese.

61 Cf. c. 860.

62 Cf. cc. 894-896.


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