Fourth Synod Compiled Acts, Declarations and Statutes
93. The celebration of the Eucharist is governed by the pertinent provisions of canon law, liturgical norms, and the policies and procedures of this Diocese.
94. All priests must see to it that the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is celebrated validly and licitly with reverence.
95. a) In the celebration of Mass and the sacraments, the rubrics in the liturgical books must be accurately followed.
b) Priests must avoid undue haste or scrupulous delay in celebrating Mass.
96. a) In all churches and chapels where the Blessed Sacrament is reserved, Mass must be celebrated at least twice a month. 63
b) Vigil Masses and anticipated evening Masses for Sundays and Holy Days may not begin before 4:00 p.m. The Easter Vigil “must take place during the night, so that it begins after nightfall.” 64
c) Only one parochial Mass may be celebrated at midnight on Christmas.
97. The ordinary offering for the celebration of Mass and the limit on offerings given on the occasion of administering sacraments and sacramentals (stipends and stole fees) are determined by the Bishops of the Province. 65 98. a) It is strictly forbidden for any priest to change or to depart from the amounts determined by the Bishops of the Province for stipends and stole fees or to require, demand or exact a larger amount than authorized.
b) It is permitted to accept a larger stipend only when it is freely offered; it is permitted to accept a smaller stipend when circumstances require it. 66
c) Every priest must always be ready to offer Mass for the intention of one who is too poor to make the usual offering.
63 Cf. canon 934, §2.
64 Missale Romanum , “Rubrics for the Easter Vigil,” no. 3.
65 Cf. cc. 952 and 1264, §2.
66 Cf. c. 952, §1.
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