Fourth Synod Compiled Acts, Declarations and Statutes
d) For expenses of travel reasonable moderate compensation in accord with the diocesan compensation schedules may be asked of and given by the parish for priests on supply.
e) Priestly generosity, love and consideration for the poor should be especially shown at times of sickness, death and burial.
99. A priest may not retain more stipends for Masses than he can satisfy within a year. 67 It is urged that surplus Mass stipends be sent to the Diocesan Director of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. 68 A priest may retain only one Mass stipend per day, except on Christmas Day, when he may offer three Masses and retain all three stipends. On the other days of the year except Christmas Day, Mass stipends from additional Masses celebrated or concelebrated by the same priest are to be transferred to the purposes prescribed by the Diocesan Bishop. Diocesan priests are asked to forward Mass stipends from additional Masses to the Diocesan Office for Finances, designated for either the health care and retirement of priests or the formation of future priests. 69 100. No more than two Masses with collective intentions may be celebrated in a given week when the people making the offering have been previously explicitly informed and have freely consented to having their intention and offering combined with others in a single celebration of Mass. 70 101. A Mass stipend register must be kept by each parish. Each priest should also keep an accurate record of Mass intentions. 71 Funds received as Mass offerings must be deposited in a separate account and not commingled with other accounts. 102. As many Masses must be said as stipends received except as indicated above. 72 When a sum of money is received, e.g. by will, without designation of number of Masses, the number must be determined according to the amount for Mass offerings (stipends) determined by the Bishops of the Province, or referred for
67 Cf. c. 963.
68 Cf. c. 956.
69 Cf. c. 951.
70 Decree for the Congregation for the Clergy, February 22, 1991.
71 Cf. c. 958.
72 Cf. c. 948.
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