Fourth Synod Compiled Acts, Declarations and Statutes
Record of Voting Regarding Synodal Declarations and Statutes
The process of drafting the Declarations and Statutes of Fourth Diocesan Synod started with updating the Statutes of the Third Diocesan Synod (1963) and incorporated modifications proposed in various consultations with clergy and laity. At the final session of the Fourth Diocesan Synod, on November 18, 2017, some amendments were accepted as “friendly” by Bishop Paprocki and others were voted upon by the Synod members. Then each Synodal Declaration was voted on separately and the Synodal Statues were voted upon as a whole.
The Synodal Declarations:
Declaration 1:
Yes 183, No 2, Abstained 3.
Declaration 2:
Yes 181, No 5, Abstained 0.
Declaration 3:
Yes 181, No 3, Abstained 1.
Declaration 4: Yes 173, No 8, Abstained 6. (One amendment, a restructuring involving switching sentence order, was offered and the amendment was seconded and approved.)
Declaration 5:
Yes 178, No 5, Abstained 2.
Declaration 6:
Yes 147, No 35, Abstained 5.
Declaration 7:
Yes 166, No 16, Abstained 5.
Declaration 8:
Yes 180, No 6, Abstained 1.
Declaration 9:
Yes 183, No 1, Abstained 2.
Declaration 10:
Yes 177, No 9, Abstained 0.
Declaration 11:
Yes 147, No 34, Abstained 6.
Declaration 12:
Yes 147, No 36, Abstained 4.
The Synodal Statutes:
No further amendments offered.
Yes 161, No 17, Abstained 5.
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