Fourth Synod Compiled Acts, Declarations and Statutes
c) An annual financial statement of the parish must be published and distributed to the people and a copy of this statement must be attached to the annual report to the Diocesan Curia. 164. Pastors in this Diocese will prudently inform the parochial vicar(s) of the financial affairs of the parish, such as indebtedness, obligations and banks where the parish funds are deposited, and will teach him how to keep parish financial books and to make reports. 165. Upon the occasion of the transfer of a priest from one parish to another, an audit is to be performed by the diocesan Office for Finances and the outgoing pastor shall deliver to his successor either in person or through the Dean, all registers and account books and other records and valuable papers of the parish, and shall do all things required to place his successor in full and complete possession of all property of said parish. 166. The pastor, when transferred or removed for any cause whatsoever, is obliged to forward to the Diocesan Curia a financial statement of his administration up to the time of relinquishing his office. 167. Special second collections taken in support of the Annual Missionary Plan of Cooperation and other special collections taken up from time to time to assist victims of natural disasters and other extraordinary causes, as well as additional donations to the scheduled diocesan, national and international collections shall be sent to the Diocesan Curia within thirty days. 168. The Diocesan Collection for the Propagation of the Faith and all other missionary collections taken up in the parish together with funds distributed for missionary purposes shall be handled through the Office of the Diocesan Director of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. Sister parish and other sharing arrangements may not be established without permission of the local Ordinary. Speakers for missionary or charitable causes must submit a letter of suitability to the Chancery prior to their visit. 169. In keeping with canon 1262 of the Code of Canon Law and the complementary norm of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, clerics, religious or laymen who wish to collect funds, even for charitable or ecclesiastical purposes, must have the permission of the local Ordinary and the pastor, and in the case of religious, also of their own Superior. 170. a) All parish and diocesan property shall be insured through, and in accordance with the specifications of the Diocesan Insurance Office, including insurance coverage required by civil law.
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